To place an order call (856) 889-2508 or use our order form. If you use the order form, we will verify the order, provide shipping information and send you an invoice. We use PayPal for a quick and secure way to accept credit card payments online. You don’t need a PayPal account to pay with a major credit card. If you prefer not to make financial transaction over the internet, you will be required to send a Money Order or Certified Bank Check in the exact amount including shipping charges . Your order will not ship until we receive the funds.
If Mid-Atlantic Automatic Door is scheduled to install your order directly then payment is expected upon completion. However, this does not apply to installations by one of our authorized affiliates and payment must be made in advance.
We will coordinate your shipping costs and carriers. A $5.75 handling fee applies to UPS, Fed-EX & USPS shipments. Your shipping charges are determined by the carrier you request. We normally ship via UPS or FedEx but we will ship via the US Postal Service upon request. Please indicate your shipping preference in the form below. After your products have shipped you will be emailed confirmation of shipment along with a tracking number. Please Note: UPS and FedEx will not ship to P. O. Boxes. Therefore, you must provide us with a street address.
We are always willing to consider undertaking an installation almost anywhere. Please keep in mind that our ability to rapidly service and support PVI and Detex products would be somewhat limited by greater distances from our normal service market. If we are unable to accommodate your installation schedule directly, then we may elect to schedule an installation with a trained, licensed, and insured affiliated installers.